Eyeliner Aftercare

Aftercare Specific for Eyeliner

In addition to the general aftercare instructions, please follow these specific eyeliner instructions.

Immediately after the procedure, the eyelids will be slightly swollen. Because of the swelling, the eyeliner will appear to be much thicker and can be distorted. Also, the color will appear to be extremely dark, even when soft colors are used. In 2-3 days, the liner will be reduced to the desired thickness and will be more even as the swelling goes down. The color will lighten as the healing process progresses. Full healing is complete within 4-6 weeks. After that, your final color and shape can be assessed and touched up if necessary.

Following the procedure, you can expect any of the following: mild to moderate swelling, redness, bruising and bloodshot eyes. If the swelling persists beyond 48 hours or becomes worse, or if the eyes become inflamed (red, itchy, watery, etc.) please seek medical attention. Please call us if this happens. This is a very rare occurrence, but it can develop in patients with extremely sensitive eyes.

  • Remember, place nothing on the treated area (except your aftercare product) until healed. This this means no makeup, creams, water (except for cleansing as detailed below), etc.
  • After your procedure, your skin will start forming a protective scab. You may see fluid or ooze on the skin from lymph secretion. The fluid should be dabbed and blotted off with a sterile gauze pad. It can crust the skin over and prevent it from breathing and healing. 
  • After 24 hours, clean the treated area daily with mild warm water and non-alcohol soap. Apply soapy solution on a sterile gauze and blot 4 to 5 times to clean. Then blot completely dry. Use patting motions only. No Scrubbing. No rubbing. No wiping. No scratching. Make sure the area is completely dry because germs love moisture!   
  • In the morning, if eyes are stuck together, use a wet Q-tip and gently separate. Do not rub, peel or pick. Follow instructions for cleaning and for aftercare product application.
  • Apply the provided aftercare product on the clean and dry treated areas. Place the product on the scabs that are beginning to form. You should apply 2 to 4 times daily until completely healed. If you place the product on the area and it is not dry, this may cause irritation or an infection, and could lead to color loss.
  • Please apply the aftercare product gingerly and don’t cake it on. However, try to cover the protective scabs completely. Try to put it directly on the scabs. The skin must be able to breathe to heal. Too much product may actually fade the pigment. It is specifically meant to put on the scabs and to keep them soft so they stay on longer. Pat, and do not rub, the ointment on the area with a with a Q-tip. If you put too much on, then blot off the excess ointment with a sterile gauze.
  • If your scabs become hard and rope-like, they can fall off in big chunks and take the ink with them. Soft scabs that flake off on their own are the key to successful ink retention. Do not try to rush the scab-flaking process.
  • You can stop using ointment when you have no more scabs. This can last 4 to 10 days, but sometimes as long as 14 days. It is hard to say because people have different healing periods.  
  • Do not use saline eye drops or mascara until healed 14 days. Do not use old tubes of mascara.  Replace old tubes with new ones. Old eye makeup can contaminate wounds.
  • Do not wear contact lenses after the procedure for 24 hours.


What to Expect


The eyes will be swollen and sore, like you have been crying, with a heavier eye makeup look. For the first 3-4 days, the color is darker than it will appear when healed.


The eyelids are swollen for a few hours after waking up, and your makeup will still look heavy.


Swelling decreases but is not gone entirely. There is a tight feeling to your treated area. The top layers of skin begin to lift away. The soreness will become less as the treated area begins to exfoliate. A rough texture appears on the skin.


There is a pinching feeling to your treated area. Some itching is normal as the skin begins to flake. When the eyeliner area begins to exfoliate, do not pick at it!


Color is somewhat grayish and will take a few more days to clarify to full color. The pigmented area begins to shrink and soften in size and color over the next few days.

As exfoliation completes, the color will appear a bit frosty; this will clarify in a few days.


The color has lightened from its initial overly-dark appearance. For the next few days, the color may now be lighter than what the final color will be.


The final color begins to stabilize and show through. The color will continue to soften as the healing process completes.


The information contained in this document is not intended to offer or imply medical advice. Please consult your physician regarding any medical questions.