The information contained in this document is not intended to offer or imply medical advice. Please consult your doctor with any medical questions.
Permanent makeup is a multi-session process. The initial application is incomplete until after your follow-up appointment, which must be scheduled approximately 4-8 weeks after your initial appointment. If performed within six months of the initial treatment, there is no additional charge for the follow-up appointment.
While your skin heals from the procedure, be prepared for the color intensity to be significantly larger, sharper, brighter or darker than what is expected for the final outcome. This is a normal and expected result of the application and healing process. The healing process will take a number of days to complete, depending on how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates and new skin regrows to take its place. Color will fade/soften anywhere from 10% to 50% or more. At the touch-up, we will fine-tune any area that has faded too much. Healing is specific to each client. Fading will happen after each procedure. We do not have control over your bodies healing process. You still may need to powder, pencil or both even after the healed results.
There are no guarantees made as to the final outcome. Your skin, lifestyle, and aftercare play a huge roll in your results. Everyone heals differently. Some residual swelling is normal for all procedures. A needle was placed in your skin, and there will be swelling. The area may appear uneven, dry, itchy, tender, red & irritated. This is all 100% normal. These symptoms will dissipate each day and vary on an individual basis.Also, please do not pick your skin as this can cause skin issues and delay healing.
Do not plan the procedure right before going on vacation or important social plans. Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell or slightly redden, you will need about 3-7 days of healing time. Also, while healing, you will need to avoid sun, wind, and water, which may not be possible on vacation.
Seven days prior to your procedure, it’s preferred that you not take products that will “thin” your blood, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and medically-prescribed “blood thinners” (such as Coumadin and Plavix). Obviously, if these medications are medically necessary for you, you must consult your physician. Anticoagulants (a.k.a. “blood thinners”) can cause excessive bleeding, scarring, bruising, and swelling during and after your procedure. In addition to medically prescribed blood thinners, there are several natural occurring blood thinners, which include (but are not limited to) the following: ginkgo biloba, fish oil, niacin, Vitamin E, ginger, curry powder, cinnamon, turmeric, peppermint, oregano, paprika, garlic, horseradish, paprika, and picorice. Alcohol can also cause clotting problems. Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hrs prior to the procedure or, the day of the procedure.
When you come for your appointment, you will have to fill out new client paperwork, and assist in the color and design of your permanent makeup. You need to be in a clear state of mind for this. If you arrive and have taken mood-altering drugs, or have been drinking alcohol, your appointment and procedure will be canceled. If you are taking legally prescribed painkillers, tranquilizers, or mood-altering drugs, please take them after your procedure.
You cannot have a tan on your face at the time of appointment, or you will be rescheduled. We recommend that you do not tan 30 days prior or 30 days after. Pigments will heal darker in tan skin. Tan skin bleeds, and pigment will not take. It will look blurred. Even after healed, sun exposure will cause the Permanent Makeup to darken as your skin darkens. This cannot be lighted. It is recommended to keep out of the sun.
Use mild soap and non-oily moisturizer for several days prior to your procedure. Eat well before your procedure. Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following the procedure. Remember to bring your glasses.
Do not place water, lotions, makeup or pencils, etc. on your treated area for 14 days. You can only place the aftercare product on top of your treated areas during this period. Do not swim until your treated area is completely healed; Salt water and chlorine will cause the pigments to fade or change color. Avoid direct shower water on the treated area after the procedure. Avoid scrubbing the treated area for at least 1 month.
Do not dye or perm lashes for 2 days prior to your eyeliner procedure. Do not use an eyelash curler the day of the procedure. Do not use growth stimulants such as Latisse, RapidLash, or RevitaLash for at least one week prior to and one week after your eyeliner procedure. For the eyeliner procedure, it is advised that you have someone else drive you home. Your eyes may be light-sensitive after the procedures, so bring sunglasses to wear home. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pretreated condition.
Do not tweeze, wax, or have electrolysis for one week prior to treatment for your eyebrows. If you bleach your eyebrows, we don’t recommend that you receive permanent makeup eyebrows. The chemicals will bleach the hair and the pigment as well.
If you have any history of cold sores, fever blisters, herpes simplex, you must contact your physician to obtain and take the proper prescription medication to prevent such outbreaks for at least 4 days before and after the lips procedure. Follow your physician’s instructions. Two or three permanent makeup applications may be required to achieve the desired results. It is not uncommon to lose 10-50% or more of the color on the first application. If you have had any type of lip surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having permanent makeup on your lips. Most physicians are giving a 3 month okay on lip filler injections like collagen or Restylane. If the lip surgery involves an incision (like a lip implant), the incision needs to mature about 1 year before tattooing on top of it.
Some things to consider prior to scheduling an appointment. Please remember we do not offer medical advice or practice medicine. Please get a letter of clearance from your physician if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications.